There are two types of shipments on eBay: with the parcel tracking number and without it. The tracking number makes tracking easier, but it isn’t applied to free and to cheap items, as it is too expensive. To learn whether you get the tracking number or not, pay attention to the “track number” sign next to the item.
If there is no such a sign, ask the seller to send the item with the tracking number. You will have to pay for it – the cost depends on the location of the shipper and the recipient. For example, the tracking option for a parcel from China to Russia will cost about $2.
How to track a package from eBay with a tracking number
To make sure your parcel was sent, go to your eBay personal account: My eBay –> Purchase History –> Tracking Number.
Here you will see the tracking number of your parcel. It consists of 4 letters and 9 digits – for example, FL987654321CN. Remember that the tracking number is activated within 5 days after the item is sent. If you don’t see any number assigned, ask the seller to specify it and the name of the postal service. You also need to find out if the tracking number is domestic or international.
Now as you most likely buy through Megabonus, get benefit of one more useful option we have. Go to Megabonus cash back service website, app or extension. Sign up (in case you are not our user) or log in and find the dropdown menu next to your userpic. You will see the «Shipment tracking» option. Enter the tracking number into the corresponding field and find out the location of your parcel. Moreover, you can see what delivery stages the parcel has already passed.
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Megabonus track order system has cool advantages:
1. The information about the shipment is available in several languages.
2. You can easily reach it both on your PC and from your smartphone.
There is another option of ebay tracking – the website of the courier service that delivers your parcel. Enter the tracking number into the corresponding field. To check if the parcel is in the shipper’s country, you can use the websites of the corresponding local postal services. If the parcel has already left the country, these websites will not detect its location. Then it is your country’s post turn.
How to tracking my eBay order without tracking number?
If the item is shipped without the tracking number, the shipper gives the estimated date of delivery. If the parcel isn’t delivered within this period, contact the seller. If you don’t receive the parcel in 40 days from the date of shipment, ask for refund. Open the dispute on eBay if your request is declined, and you will receive the reimbursement. Sometimes the parcel arrives when you have got the refund for example, in 4 months or even later. In this case you can inform the seller about it and return the money to him. However, it is up to you. Don’t forget that you can save money and buy on eBay with cash back via Megabonus. Sign up, activate the extension and buy with discounts.
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