All about how cash back works on AliExpress
All you need to understand how cash back works is to read this article. In fact, this system works very well and it has guarantees for both parties of the deal. When you buy something you don’t pay its cost directly to the seller. You send the funds to the storage service where they are held until the seller and the customer confirm that the good has been received and there are no claims to its quality and no disputes on the refund.

Another option for getting cash back on AliExpress is payments from the site for every purchase. With the help of the affiliate programs such as ePN and others, every customer can install special software to his browser. This plugin identifies you as a participant of the affiliate program and counts the sum of your purchase for the further refund.
These affiliate programs often offer using additional promo codes. It allows getting the maximum discount for the order. You can do the shopping anywhere and anytime. The most important thing is pressing the button of the confirmation of payment right after receiving the order or automatic payment to the seller when the deal is closed.
To get only positive emotions download and install cash back plugin only from reliable sites and only after signing up for the service. Here you can do it right now and it will take not more than 30 minutes.
Check how cash back works on AliExpress using our application
To get your discount you need to take 3 easy steps:
- Activate your personal account and fill in the payment requisites for the refunds
- Download and install the plugin with the suitable extension to your browser
- Start doing shopping with the application launched
- Check your account and confirm the receiving of the orders
- Withdraw your cash back using one of the available methods
As you can see it is very easy to save money on purchases from China. Just choose the right cash back service with a public offer and the guarantee of the payouts from AliExpress affiliate program.