What is cash back when making purchases on AliExpress - short and sweet
What is cash back on AliExpress and is it really profitable or just an advertising trick? We will reveal the truth about it and tell about different ways to save your money.

You often see the word “cash back” in internet-reviews on shopping on AliExpress. It hides different offers to save and even to earn. You need to go into the matter to understand if this offer is reliable.
The term cash back means getting the part of the spent money back. The first who used it was the bank systems. They did it to stimulate customers to use credit cards when buying something in the shops. In other words, this is a fixed discount on all payment transactions.
Modern marketers noticed an increased interest in this type of the promotion. This is not surprising because cash back gives clear and fair economy. This is why the Chinese market started to use this system to attract and encourage customers on AliExpress. Affiliate programs such as ePN and others as well as special plugins allowed organizing the system of cash back and mass payments to all its participants.
How to save and receive cash back on AliExpress?
Getting cash back on AliExpress is very easy. All you need is to choose a reliable company and sign up on the site. You can easily download an extension for your browser. There is no need to control or count anything. Cash back system always works until you delete your profile or the extension.
Every time when you:
- Make a purchase on AliExpress
- Receive the goods
- Make the payment
Cash back system:
- Gives back the part of the cost
- Saves your money
- Allows to withdraw the funds
Please note:
cash back on AliExpress is added to all the goods with or without discounts. So don’t pay attention to offers that try to advertise the seller or earn something on purchases made by people via the referral link.