Sometimes you rush to unbox your order from AliExpress. Then suddenly you realize all you can do with this product is throw it away or send back to the seller. You can’t just throw it away but paying for the faulty product doesn’t sound good either. Buyer protection is going to help here.
In most disputes on AliExpress customers don’t have to return the product to the seller. It means you don’t have to return the product if you win the dispute.
The exception might be your own initiative to return the product to the seller (you have to specify this point when opening the dispute). But this is you who will have to pay for the return shipping (you will send the product by the postal service). It seems quite weird – to lose your money for someone who provided a product of bad quality. So keep it in mind when opening the dispute.
The seller can ask you for a favor and offer to pay for the shipping. This is a whole other story. You can help him and return the product but only after they send the money.
In What Cases Can I not Return the Product
You Proved the Product Doesn’t Match Its Description
For example, in the description the leather was mentioned but the product is made with artificial leather instead. To win the dispute, you have to prove the discrepancy. Close-up high resolution pictures of faulty parts will help you. It’s better to indicate on the picture what exactly you didn’t like.
You Proved the Size or the Number Doesn’t Match the Description
For example, it was stated 6 spoons must be in the set, but you received only one. Or you were supposed to get a 1L thermos, but only got a 200 ml one. The video and the pictures of the product with the ruler next to it will be helpful.
You Proved the Product is Damaged
To prove it, always make a video of unboxing the parcel. In this case you will be able to prove that the product was delivered damaged.
The Product Arrived after You Won the Dispute
Sometimes it happens that you didn’t wait for the parcel, got your money back and suddenly the package was delivered. You can keep it. Or you can be honest and pay for the product once again.
In all the listed cases AliExpress administration doesn’t require returning the product because poor service is poor service. AliExpress cares about its reputation. So don’t hesitate to open the dispute and claim your rights. But remember – in case of getting a refund, cash back from AliExpress will be declined
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