With the help of AliExpress, fashion lovers can look trendy with fewer expenses and effort. The secret is that the Chinese sell high-quality replicas of top world brands at the prices lower than any other platform.
So how can you find replicas of famous brands? How to spend your budget smartly and find replicas on AliExpress?
The following replica products are the most common on AliExpress:
- clothes,
- bags,
- shoes,
- watches,
- electronics.
How to Find Replicas on AliExpress
To buy a nice replica, go to AliExpress and start searching. Before you start, keep in mind that the quality of products can be either similar to that of the original product or much worse. This is why we recommend checking the reviews and examining the customers’ pictures of the product.
Don’t hesitate to ask the seller about the sizes or check the size chart (it often happens that the Chinese and the European sizes differ) or other details. Those who follow these rules are usually happy with their purchases.
Know the Abbreviations and the “Keywords”
It is prohibited to use the names of famous brands on AliExpress. This is why the enterprising Chinese sellers replace the names with similar names or cut them. For example, you can find Mango under the code name MNG. Chanel bag is sold under the name CC.
Sometimes it is enough to start entering the name of the brand in the search bar and AliExpress will give you the possible variants of contractions. For example, Tommy Hilfiger:
What Exactly You Are Looking for
If you need a replica of a bag, add “bag” or “handbag” to your search request. So, if you are looking for a Mango bag, your request should look like “MNG handbag”. If you are not very good at English, use online translators. Where there’s a will there’s a way.
Brand Logo
Be ready to receive a product with a logo bigger than you saw on the picture. It is connected with the fact that the sellers are obliged to delete any mentions of brands from the pictures.
So to find the replicas of famous brands on AliExpress:
- Use code names of brands.
- Ask the sellers about the sizes.
- Choose the product thoroughly, check the pictures and reviews.
We are sure that these lifehacks will help you make the right choice. Don’t forget that you can get the maximum cashback on AliExpress with Megabonus.
Have a great shopping and be trendy!
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