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Leroy Merlin Cash Back in United States

Cash back atLeroy Merlin

Cash back for all levels
in Loyalty Program:

Leroy Merlin

Cash back0.04% - 4.35%



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How to get
maximum cash back?

About the store:

Leroy Merlin is an international retailer specializing in the sale of goods for construction, decoration and home improvement, summer cottages and gardens. Leroy Merlin helps people around the world improve their homes and improve their quality of life.

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Cash back for different categories:

To 4.35%
Категория 1
To 2.34%
Категория 2
To 0.83%
Категория 3
To 0.06%
Категория 4

Conditions of cash back crediting at Leroy Merlin:

57 days
57 days
Average cashback confirmation time
Available in Russia
Available in Russia
Cashback in the Leroy Merlin store is available to users from Russia.
Important conditions
Important conditions
For the purchase of goods in the categories "best price" and "online only" cashback is not credited.
Mobile application
Mobile application
Cashback will not be credited when purchasing goods in the Leroy Merlin mobile app.

Reviews about the store Leroy Merlin


Total rating Total ratings: 1

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0% of happy customers:


Shipping speed


Quality of customer support


Product corresponds to the description

Mara Golov
Mara Golov
Bought with cash back

Advantages:Известный магазин, большой ассортимент

Disadvantages:Сделали большую покупку, магазин безапеляционно отказал в выплате кешбека.

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