Fashion and style

SHEIN Cash Back in United States

Cash back atSHEIN

Cash back for all levels
in Loyalty Program:

0.89% - 12.06%



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About the store:

SHEIN online store offers trendy women's clothing, shoes, accessories and jewelry. The store is designed for young women under 35. Their website presents the latest trends in the fashion world. The store was founded in 2008.

Goods are shipped from warehouses in Europe, China and the USA. Clothes from SHEIN are perfectly suitable for office, home or romantic date.

Shipping cost for the USA is $ 3.99. Free shipping is provided for the orders over $ 49. The customers usually receive the parcels in 6-8 days.

Express shipping for the USA is $12.90. Free express shipping is provided for the orders over $ 99. The products are available in 2-4 days.

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Cash back for different categories:

To 12.06%
Paid order from a new SHEIN customer
To 1.34%
Paid order from a existing SHEIN customer

Conditions of cash back crediting at SHEIN:

Delay in displaying cash back
Delay in displaying cash back
There may be a delay of several days between placing an order and receiving cash back in the “Pending” status.
108 days
108 days
The average time to confirm cash back.
Available in 34 countries
Available in 34 countries
SHEIN store cashback is available to users from UAE, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, UK, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Kuwait, Mexico, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Singapore, Thailand, USA, South Africa.
Orders placed via the app
Orders placed via the app
Cashback for orders placed via the store's mobile app is credited as usual.
Gift card
Gift card
Cash back is not credited for the purchase of a gift card, as well as when paying for an order with a gift card.
According to the store rules it is not allowed to distribute links to products or site via PopUp/ClickUnder, messengers, toolbar, groups and blogs on social media, banner and teaser advertising, contextual advertising, SEM.
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Reviews about the store SHEIN


Total rating Total ratings: 37

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89.19% of happy customers:


Shipping speed


Quality of customer support


Product corresponds to the description

Tocarra Ivory
Tocarra Ivory
Bought with cash back

Advantages:Highly recommend Megabonus!

Disadvantages:Cash back took a little longer than expected after placing order

Comment:Been a fan of Shein for almost a year and I’m never disappointed with my purchases nor delivery. Love the website and products. I shop for myself, my granddaughter, and my kids at least once or twice a month. And thanks to Megabonus I save even more!

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Reply from customer support:Hello! Thank you for your feedback. To check information regarding this situation we have sent you a letter to your email address that you use as a login to the Megabonus account. Please take a look.

Arisbet Rubio
Arisbet Rubio
Bought with cash back

Advantages:es super practica, la ropa llega muy bien en relación a precios calidad

Disadvantages:me han mandado productos equivocados 2 veces y nunca me han resuelto en soporte

Comment:anteriormente contestaban hasta los correos cuando quería comunicarme a soporte, ahora ya no te dan respuesta a nada

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Danery Galdames
Danery Galdames
Bought with cash back

Advantages:Son muy responsables y rápidos

Disadvantages:En pedidos grandes dividen mucho el pedido en varios paquetes innecesarios

Comment:Es una buena página para comprar y los precios y descuentos valen la pena!

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Rashaud Scott
Rashaud Scott
Bought with cash back

Advantages:They got some nice clothes and accessories for very low and cheap prices and affordable!!

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Eliana Rubio
Eliana Rubio
Bought with cash back

Advantages:Es muy buena y sus productos son bastantes buenos

Disadvantages:Me parece todo bien

Comment:Muchas prendas son iguales

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Xiomara Miranda
Xiomara Miranda
Bought with cash back

Advantages:precios bajos

Disadvantages:productos averiados

Comment:muy buena opción de compras. gran variedad de productos

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Cecy conforme
Cecy conforme
Bought with cash back

Advantages:es la mejor app que eh usado gracias

Comment:me encanta comprar aquí

Was this review helpful?
Bought with cash back

Advantages:Good prices and good quality.

Disadvantages:the minimum purchase for free shipping. for the all very good.

Comment:Thanks for great prices.

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Maria Cecilia
Maria Cecilia
Bought with cash back

Advantages:es super con la logistica

Disadvantages:promociones corta

Comment:página más organica

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Iveth Godoy
Iveth Godoy
Bought with cash back



Comment:The bests prices

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