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What is Wordle Game and Why to Play it?

Life and Style
What is Wordle Game and Why to Play it?

Wordle game is a top online gaming hit of this January. Just within 2 months, it went from 90 daily players to more than 2 million! What is the recipe for success and how to play the game?

Wordle is a kind of a free online simplified crosswords game. You can play it both from your mobile and a PC. 

The rules of the game are very simple: you have to guess a 5-letter word, and you have 6 attempts to do it. The word is the same for all players of the day. This led to competition between relatives, friends, and colleagues trying to be the first to find the correct variant. 

How to Play Wordle Game?

how to play wordle

Type any five-letter word in the top line. If there’s a correct letter in it, it will be marked by yellow color. In case the letter is in the right space, it will be highlighted in green. Then you proceed to the next line and make one more attempt to guess the word using the letter/letters you opened in the upper line (if any).

Wordle: Formula for Success

Wordle is a simple game facing a tremendous popularity boost due to its simplicity and competitive spirit. For now, you can play it in English (the original version of the game) and Russian. Many stars including a famous US comedian Jimmy Fallon and an actor Steven Fry play it. 

steven fry wordle play

“During this weird situation*, it’s a way for people to connect in a low effort, low friction way.” This is how the creator of the game Josh Wardle describes Wordle. In one of the interviews, he said one of the reasons for the popularity of the game is the fact it was created purely for fun. You are not chased by annoying ads and are not asked to pay to get access to all options, etc.

The story of the creation of the game is also very inspiring and touching. Josh Wardle developed and presented it as a gift to his partner Palak Shah who is a big crosswords fan. 

Wordle answer/word today” is a popular Google search query these days, as the players who failed to guess the word want to know the correct answer. 

Play Wordle in English

Play Wordle in Russian

*Covid pandemic

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