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Megabonus Reviews Introduction

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Megabonus Reviews Introduction

So you are willing to become a review writer but not sure where to begin. What if we start from the very beginning together then?

The registration process is fairly simple and doesn’t require too much effort. You can either create a new account on Megabonus – just enter email and password – or sign up using an already existing Google, Facebook, VK or OK profile. You’ll be alright with any of them, so there is no point thinking about it too much. You can choose among the 4 languages for your convenience: Russian, English, Spanish and Portuguese. To switch the language, choose the necessary one at the bottom right part of the website:

Megabonus Language Change

If you have a Megabonus account, just log in and go to Megabonus Reviews website – the login data is the same for all Megabonus projects.

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Press the menu icon in the upper right corner of the the Megabonus website to proceed with a review.

Megabonus Reviews Website

Once you have an account, click on a big yellow icon with a pencil (you’ll see it in the lower right corner of the page). There is also another option: left-clicking on the button in the top left corner opens a pop-up menu from which you can create a Megabonus review. In both cases, you will be taken to the text editor page, so, again, choose the most convenient way. Creativity is born in freedom, right?

Create Megabonus Review

If you already know what exactly you want to write about, start with choosing the product’s category. Is it aimed at kids? Is it useful for traveling? Maybe you can use this to improve your health? The stage doesn’t require any writing as you only need to left-click on the most fitting category. If you struggle to choose the right one – for example, a specific item fits multiple descriptions simultaneously – then forget about it and jump for the next section. You’ll probably have figured it out by the time you finish your product review.

Getting a bright and interesting cover is a great way to draw a potential reader’s attention, so we strongly recommend to give the stage due consideration. Click on the “Upload cover” icon and download the image from your PC to the website.

Megabonus Reviews Categories

The general rule is that you shouldn’t cheat Megabonus users and trick them into opening your article, meaning that the product on a cover must match the product at the link. We seek to create the best product review blog, so attempts to deceive our readers in any form will not be tolerated.

It doesn’t mean, however, that there is no room for creativity – on the contrary, we encourage a non-standard approach to the writing process. You can use a graphics editor in order to make the cover look nicer, for example, or even create an animated image-complication if your review includes several items at once.

Again, there is no need to stay here for too long because – remember! – the most exciting part of your journey is still to come. No matter how important the cover is, you don’t want to spend all your energy on it alone. We are on the product review site, after all!

Next up is the title section, but you already know what to do. In a nutshell, soup it up, make sure it’s attractive and exciting. Using the product’s name as a title is a decent idea too, so you can stick to it for the time being if there aren’t better options.

Megabonus Reviews Guide

Writing a Great Megabonus Review

Let’s say you’re writing an in-depth AliExpress product analysis. What should you do in order to create a piece to be proud of?

Don’t forget to add pictures, videos, and links. If a visitor has opened your article, they will be happy to know about the product more through audio-visual recordings. It’s nothing but a win-win situation: you give a reader a detailed view of the item, and they will thank you by writing positive comments and possibly buying the product on the seller’s website. By no means you must create every attached file by yourself – there is nothing wrong with linking a YouTube video from another author… if it fits.

How to attach media materials? When you click on the review edit box with the left mouse button or create a new paragraph, you’ll see a small plus icon. Clicking on the icon will provide you with an opportunity to add a link, picture, or video (choose the option you’re interested in). Megabonus Reviews supports link to YouTube and Vimeo video files. Both platforms have the “share” button right below the player, so you only need to click it and copy the link to our editor. Don’t hesitate to use timecodes in order to highlight the moments you are eager to show!

If you want to earn money through product review, you should always answer the following questions in your article:

  1. What is it? How does it work? In what situations will it be useful?
  2. Why should a reader give it a try? Why is it worth buying?

However, it’s general recommendations. As long as articles don’t conflict with the current rules, Megabonus authors are absolutely free to write reviews as they wish. Even if you desire to share your disappointment with a certain product instead of writing a positive review, that’s okay. Just keep in mind that you get money for every item sold via the link in your article. If you struggle to create an AliExpress products review that will encourage people to go to the seller’s website and buy an item, it will affect your earnings on Megabonus.

From Theory to Rractice: How to Create Megabonus Review

From the very beginning, our ultimate goal has been to create a platform that is simple and fun to use. That’s why we’ve already covered almost every aspect of the process of review creation – basically, you just need to open the editor and follow the instructions. Before you go to work, allow us to introduce two other useful features that will help you focus on writing a great AliExpress product analytics.

Firstly, know that Megabonus autosaves your drafts and keep them in a cloud. In other words, we won’t let your work go to waste; either it’s a power outage or a browser crash, rest assured your text is safe. So, there is no need to constantly copy-and-paste the review into another editor since we’ve already prepared all the instruments you need. From now on no one will stop you from creating the best AliExpress product reviews in the world! Even a cat stepping on the power button, yeah.

Secondly, you can always preview an article by clicking on the eye icon at the top of the screen. If you struggle to find it, press Ctrl+F on your keyboard – the command activates the search panel in most modern browsers, and enter “preview” to find the button with the same name. The online preview provides you with the information on how the readers will see the article allowing to perfect the review before publishing.

As Hemingway once said, “Write drunk; edit sober.” We do not encourage you to get drunk every time you need to write something (like, we really don’t) – the underlying spirit of the concept is that you can try out any ideas and concepts as long as you have time to edit it in an appropriate manner. In this case, the autosaving and the preview features will be of service.

Bingo! You’re ready to earn money by copywriting, and we are looking forward to seeing your first work.

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