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Megabonus Blog

Here we share the latest news, advice and life hacks with our readers and subscribers.

Surf Easily with the Megabonus Blog Structure

About Megabonus
Surf Easily with the Megabonus Blog Structure

Megabonus blog in English was started 2 years ago. Since then we have added hundreds of useful articles: news, articles, reviews, and shopping guides. Every week we get a lot of reviews and comments from the readers. We are happy we can help you make your shopping smarter and easier!

As the blog is growing, we decided to create an article that will help you easily navigate through Megabonus blog posts and sections.

Megabonus Blog Menu

At present, there are 9 sections in the blog:

About Megabonus Find all Megabonus news and updates here, as well as guides to our projects.
News Online retail, Megabonus, and cashback news.
Cashback guide Answers to all questions on shopping with cashback.
Aliexpress Encyclopedia An informative section that covers all sides of buying from the sellers on AliExpress.


Life and Style World news from all spheres of life.
Shopping tips Learn how to save on purchases, make secure payments, and choose the best products.
Sales The information on current sales.
Online Business Ideas and guides to online business with Megabonus projects, as well as other useful hints on earning money online without or little investment.


Megabonus Tutorials Tutorials to Megabonus projects.

To access Megabonus blog menu, press the 3 lined button in the top left corner of Megabonus blog.

megabonus blog structure

Comments and Similar Articles

Below the post field, you can see similar articles or leave a comment. Please do not leave repeated comments in case you cannot see your comment right after the submission, as all comments in the blog are pre-moderated. 

similar articles plugin

Useful Buttons

There are several quick buttons at the very top of each blog page:

megabonus blog top bar

  1. Use the search bar to quickly find answers to your questions.
  2. Press the question mark sign to get to our Help section.
  3. The 4 square mark will let you quickly access all Megabonus project (you will stay logged in when switching between the projects).
  4. Press your avatar to see your level in the Loyalty Program, the information on saved cashback, and more.

How to Quickly Find More Information?

  1. Check the links in the post you are reading.
  2. Have a look at the similar articles below the posts.
  3. Study the comments under the post and “Popular tags” on the main page on the blog.
  4. Go to the section the article is published in to find all articles on the topic.
  5. Use the search bar.
  6. Check the Help section.
  7. Ask your question in a comment.

popular tags megabonus blog


Offer Your Topic for the Blog

Press the menu button at the top left corner of the blog, scroll down, and choose “Offer your topic for Megabonus Blog”.

guest post on megabonus

Enter your email address and the post idea and press “Send”. The blog team will contact you in case the topic suits our contents. 

free guest post

NB! You may receive no answer in case the topic is not suitable for the blog. The posts must be well-written. We do not publish posts with fake data, written in an offensive language, and merely advertising articles.  

How Do I Access Megabonus Blog?

To go to the blog, scroll any Megabonus page to the bottom, and choose “Blog” in the middle column or type in the search bar of your browser.

megabonus blog login

You are welcome to share your thoughts on how we could make this blog even more useful and informative for you, or what features you’d like to see in the blog. 

Your Megabonus team

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