There are several methods of informing the client that the parcel arrived at the pick-up point. Usually, the type of informing depends on multiple factors and it’s not always possible to affect them. But it’s quite easy to figure them out and receive parcels in a proven way.
AliExpress Parcel Tracking
The easiest way is to track parcel from AliExpress with the tracking number of the format: 2 letters + 9 digits + 2 letters indicating the country of origin (usually CN – China). Here is an example: UE776689890CN.
The tracking number is assigned to parcels when it is transferred to the courier service. You can learn it in the personal account:
Sometimes an email with the tracking number is sent to the email address associated with your AliExpress account. You can use it to track the parcel on all stages of its “trip”.
Enter the tracking number in the corresponding field on the Megabonus tracking service website. This is what the parcel’s “trip” looks like:
- Parcel is shipped by the seller;
- Parcel is in the sorting point in China;
- Parcel is at the border crossing point;
- Parcel is on the territory of the destination country;
- Parcel is at the customs;
- Parcel is at the sorting point;
- Sorting passed;
- Parcel is at the post office.
- As soon as the parcel arrives at the post office and is ready for pick-up, take your ID and the tracking number and go for your package.
How to Learn that the Parcel from AliExpress Arrived by your Surname
To answer this question, you need to know how post offices process small packages from China.
Packages arrive at the post office every day, the volume depends on the size of the territory the post office covers. For example, an average city post office gets from 100 to 200 packages every day. Just imagine how many parcels arrive every week.
The data is processed by the numbers, not the surname. Usually, the tracking numbers and internal postal numbers are used. This is why there is only a small chance your package can be found by your surname.
But if you don’t have a notice or a tracking number and you have been waiting for long, it’s worth visiting the post office and asking if there are any packages for your name. You can get an answer in the following cases:
- Your post office covers small territory and processes a small volume of packages.
- The post office has a software allowing to search by the surname.
- You are a regular customer with a large amount of orders.
However, usually, it’s not possible to track the package by the surname without the tracking number. It’s worth waiting for a notice. Small packages can be left in the mailbox sometimes. We recommend checking the actual news about the delivery methods at your local post office.
How to Learn that the Parcel from AliExpress Arrived without the Tracking Number
Sometimes, parcels don’t have tracking numbers. Usually, it happens when the product is quite cheap and the seller doesn’t want to spend money to pay for the tracking number. You can ask them to get the tracking number in advance but sometimes it’s not worth it.
How to find a parcel from AliExpress if the tracking number can’t be tracked? There are several options:
- Wait for the notice from the post office.
- Go to the post office and check if the parcel arrived.
- Contact the seller and find out where the parcel is.
If none of the methods worked and the Buyer Protection is about to expire, you can open the dispute (don’t forget to extend the Buyer Protection!). An honest seller will provide a refund.
Is it Possible to Learn that the Parcel Arrived with a Phone Call?
If there is no notice about the parcel, you can call your local post office. But you will hardly get any information this way. All the post office employee can tell you is where your parcel is according to the tracking number. You can check this information yourself.
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