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Fall 2019 with Megabonus. Looking Back

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Fall 2019 with Megabonus. Looking Back

One more perfect year full of thrilling events, breath-taking discoveries and overwhelming achievements is coming to an end. We, the Megabonus team, are happy to be spending it with you. Each user inspires us to create new projects, implement innovative solutions and improve our projects. Today we want to look back and recollect the most important events that took place in Megabonus at the end of this year.

This fall we:

Launched New Projects

We set heart to make your shopping faster and more convenient, so we created a goods catalog – Megabonus Market (for now, available for Russia only).

Megabonus Market

More than 200,000 products from our partner stores have already been added to Megabonus Market.  By the end of 2020, the number will increase up to 1,000,000 and later on we will stand in line with other popular marketplaces in the number of goods presented.

A distinctive feature of Megabonus Market – you can buy most products from the catalog with cash back without additional actions and visiting third-party websites.

Here you can find the best offers of goods for home, electronics and mobiles, clothing, accessories, cosmetics, food, and many others. Using the Smart Cart service you can also track the price change for the product and buy it with maximum economy.

Megabonus Travel

An Arabic proverb says, “The one who lives sees a lot, the one who travels sees more”. Our users love to discover the new in the world and themselves, and we help to make your trips not only memorable but also economical.

Megabonus Travel will help to buy a plane ticket or book a room in any part of the world and save a lot at that. Here you will find out what plane tickets are available and the cost of flights and accommodation, as well as the information on airline companies’ special tariffs and the most popular destinations. Needless to say, booking with Megabonus cash back you get a part of the spent money to your account. Read the Guide to Megabonus Travel.

Improved Mobility

The modern world imposes its rhythm of life. We are used to be online in any part of the globe and buy from our smartphones. Megabonus cash back service mobile apps help to buy with cash back when on a trip, walking, at work – virtually, at any time and place.

In November 2019, we substantially upgraded Megabonus cash back service mobile apps. Their interface became more user-friendly and convenient. The lists of popular products, collections and reviews are now available on the main screens. The stores’ search has become faster, and the order page contains more detailed information.

Megabonus iOS app

Helped to Save More

Commonly, at the time of sales, we offer our subscribers on social media different ways of the extra economy and getting increased cash back. Thus, this November we had several big contests:

Black Friday

In accordance with the rules, the users had to buy from any of the 3 stores: Eldorado, Lookfantastic or Myprotein. 5 winners could then choose any product of up to $55 from the above-listed stores as a prize.


We had a very popular MegaGame in VKontakte this November again. 443 winners won 600 fantastic prizes. One only had to write the word “Megabonus” in a comment under the game post to get a chance to win.

Supported Charity Projects

Charity Megabonus

For several years Megabonus users have had an option to support the paternalized of the Anton is Near Here center that helps people with autism spectrum disorders. The donation can be done when withdrawing cash back through the Donate to Charity option (for Russian citizens only). The sum our users donated within October-November 2019 is $58,79. Thank you!

The year of 2019 has not come to an end yet and we will continue to create new great offers and solutions for you. Which of the Megabonus events did you like most? Subscribe to our newsletters, join our groups on social media and be the first to learn all important and useful changes!

Your Megabonus team.

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