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Megabonus Reviews

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Megabonus Reviews

Have you ever dreamed of being a writer? Earning money creating great articles and pieces? Receiving feedback directly from your readers and fans? In  Megabonus we are big dreamers too, so we’re always happy to help people make their dreams come true. If you’re on the same wavelength, you should certainly try our new service. Meet Megabonus Reviews!

A person familiar with product review sites will also feel comfortable and lightweight on the platform. Creating Megabonus Reviews, we did not seek to present the world with something completely new — rather, we wanted to take into account all the mistakes of our predecessors in order to create truly high-quality and convenient service. That’s exactly why you don’t need searching for any other review websites anymore: you’ve already found the best one.

Putting this aside, why should you even bother trying Megabonus Reviews? There are several reasons for it:

  • It’s interesting! Liked to write essays at school or college? Writing reviews is not much different. You fully and honestly tell people about the product that hooked you (or left you disappointed, this also happens) and publish your article on the website — that simple! A living person’s opinion, candid and helpful, is the main value of Megabonus Reviews.
  • It’s profitable! We cherish our users, so we would never expect them to spend their valuable time for nothing. In fact, Megabonus Reviews gives you an opportunity to get a decent amount of money for every product bought via your special link. This not only helps you to return the goods’ cost thanks to the review written on it but also opens the way to the wonderful world of earning on the Internet. No investment, no risk – only you and your great product reviews.
  • It’s smooth and easy! We understand how important it is to provide the most favorable conditions possible for a writer, and that is why it takes only one click to navigate to the review creation page. If a person already has a Megabonus account, they do not even need to go through the boring registration process because one account is enough to use our cashback and the review service to the fullest.

In other words, Megabonus Reviews allows you to make good money spending time with pleasure. Since the barrier of entry is low enough, we recommend trying our service even if you do not consider yourself a good writer.

Ready to give it a shot?

Creating your first review

Click the pencil icon in the upper right corner to navigate to the review creation page. After that, successively fill in the text box including the category, the title, the cover, the text, and the link. You will not need other text editors or support programs since we have already provided all the necessary functionality for you. For example, you can highlight an important part of your article and make it bald for greater visibility.

Create Product Review Megabonus


Experienced users of product review blogs remember how on some websites a person could lose valuable text simply because their browser crashed or the page did not load after publication. If you are with us, there is no point in fearing such a development of events and constantly copying your review to the offline editor because all your texts are automatically saved on Megabonus servers as drafts. Remember us saying that we desire to create a truly convenient service? It was an understatement– we intend to create the most convenient service in the world.

You can write about anything in your reviews… well, almost. Generally, we don’t limit our authors in the selection of topics and products. If you want to talk about the top five funny socks on Aliexpress, just do it. Disappointed in your last purchase and intend to literally destroy it in your review? We don’t mind it too, although such a decision most likely will not bring you money. Remember: you get a reward for each purchase that a reader makes after clicking the link that can be found in your product review.

While an author can choose the format, the style of writing, and the product at their discretion, we absolutely do not support potentially harmful and dangerous topics: incitement to hatred and xenophobia, calls for illegal actions, and so on. Technically, your texts should not contradict the existing legislation of the Russian Federation, but it sounds a little more complicated than it is. Just be kind and fair, and you’ll never have to remember that our platform has any rules. We are all here to have a good time and make some money, right?

Moderation process and topic selection

In order to make our website as friendly and convenient for everyone as possible, all new articles are moderated; if you are going to publish your first text here, it might be that you will not see your post immediately. Don’t worry! We do not impose strict requirements on our authors, and in most cases an article is not published due to gross violation of the website’s rules (we talked about this above).

Still, never forget that you write not only for us but for your future readers. We’re sure that your article will pass the moderation, but that by no means should be your ultimate goal. To create a great and interesting product review in 2019 and help people make the right choice – that’s what matters.

Sometimes our moderators have to reject a post for reasons that not every writer recognizes. For example, we can send an article for revision because of the wrong title. If the latter does not contain the name of the product and does not reflect the topic chosen by an author, it should be changed. So,  “Elough E03 Magnetic Charger” is alright, and even “top 10 aliexpress products for dropshipping” should work too. If you choose something like “about my new smartphone”, we’ll probably ask you to be a little more specific.

A person who has difficulties with choosing a suitable topic may try to remember the product that produced the strongest emotional response (positive or negative) last month. Why not check a list of your recent purchases in the favorite online store? We very much welcome aliexpress product analytics and texts of similar content and query.

If you have something to say on an unpopular topic, we don’t mind. You’re free to tell readers not only about expensive gadgets and household goods, but also the cool knick-knacks you bought for your child or even for yourself. Among the already published articles, for example, you can find the one about extremely angry plush toys, and that’s great! We loved the idea. The world needs to know its angry plushies.

Megabonus Review Top Articles


If you don’t want to write an aliexpress products review, you don’t have to as there are many other websites that deserve your readers’ attention. Choosing the Chinese store’s assortment as a topic for an article makes it more likely that an average user will buy the product using a special link because people on our platform know and trust it; however, it’s up to you if you’re willing to use this advantage to the fullest or prefer the harder road.

Even if you’ve published a review but not achieved the desired result, there is always a chance to fix that. A great way to increase the number of views of an unpopular article is to advertise it on other websites. More precisely, we are talking about popular social media, whether it be Twitter, Facebook, or another service. Let’s say you want to tell your friends and co-workers about your aliexpress product analysis. In this case, you don’t have to spend time preparing a separate post on your favorite social network since you can share any post with just one mouse click. Check it now: just open any review on the site and you’ll see several little icons to the right side of the screen. You only need to click the one you prefer. There is no easier way to let your friends know about a great new product aliexpress 2019, right?

Note that we will not tolerate any spam actions, such as posting a link to your article on forums and other sites where it’s forbidden by the rules.

Not a writer but a passionate reader

Writing AliExpress product reviews and earning money for it is great and all, but the platform would never exist without our readers. While this page is aimed mostly at writers, you can have a great time here without creating your own articles. Right now you can see dozens of really cool reviews written by people for people, and by subscribing to the authors you like and commenting on the posts you consider interesting, you become a part of the extensive and friendly Megabonus community. After that, you will always be aware of the best AliExpress products and never miss new products that deserve your attention.

Being a reader on Megabonus is no less fascinating than being a writer – everyone will find something for themselves.

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